To act as a preventive measure against unethical behavior
- Employees who receive solicitations will have justification to refuse solicitation on the grounds of the report, and,
- There will be a preventive effect on people making solicitations in the future due to concern for leaving a record on solicitations.
Practicing Whistle Blower Spirit
- Creates an atmosphere of sincerity and transparency by having Company executives and employees conscientiously report solicitations they have received.
- The fact that they have reported the solicitation is deemed voluntary and the person reporting is exempt from liability for problems and responsibilities to protect good employees.
How it works
InformantAll employees involved in all phases of recommendations and solicitations, including the person who received the recommendation or solicitation, the person who was notified of the news, and staff.
How to report the caseAny employees who have received recommendations or solicitations must register the case as is without any omissions or adjustments to the story based on the five Ws and one H.
When to report the caseYou must report the case within 24 hours since the recommendation or solicitation has happened. Note that the time may be extended for special reasons (e.g., a meeting or a business trip).
Definition of solicitation
Solicitation refers to all expression of intention by the solicitor, including requests that may affect the work and decisions of Company executives or employees for the purpose of his/her or other people’s gains.
Standards for determining fairness that affects the work or decision making
(*Rules of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission)
(*Rules of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission)
- - Acts that create a stake for an employee when he/she accepts or refuses solicitations.
- - Acts that put an employee under psychological pressure when he/she handles fair work.
Scope of matters subject to recommendation/solicitation report
- - As the Clean POSCO System was developed to prevent misconduct due to solicitation, we have expanded the scope of solicitation to include any expression of intention that may undermine fairness, beyond what is required by law.
- - When it is unclear whether something is deemed as solicitation or as a normal business activity, in principle, such cases must be reported on the system by 100% without making a decision on whether the case is in fact solicitation or not.
- - Any executive or employee who does not report the case even if he/she was aware that it is a recommendation/solicitation faces severe sanctions by HR.
Actions that must be recorded as solicitations (example)
- - Any request for preferential treatment regarding equipment/material purchase, and various contracts.
- - Any requests for preferential treatment for personnel matters including employment, promotions, rewards, penalties, and new appointments.
- - Any requests for preferential treatment that have deviated from standards and principles.
- - Any requests to neglect management and supervision tasks, such as inspections and examinations.
Actions that do not need to be recorded as solicitations (example)
- - In case the solicitor withdraws solicitation when the person receiving immediately rejects said solicitation due to concerns over identity exposure when the solicitation is recorded in the system.
- - A request for collaboration made using official documents.
- - Request for cooperation to simply check, inquire, or complain when carrying out a task of related agencies or divisions.
Processing recommendation/solicitation reports
- - Results of a recommendation/solicitation must be managed separately by relevant departments, such as HR and purchasing, and penalties may be imposed on relevant employees and/or companies.